Sunday, April 28, 2013

DIY Faux Vintage Planter

Hi Y'all,
I love this time of year and these kind of projects! This one literally took less than 5 minutes and I am IN LOVE with the way they turned out. I got the terracotta pots from Michaels as well as the little stickers on them. All I did was take a dry paint brush and get just a small amount of paint on it and brush it off a few times onto a piece of paper. Then I took it and brushed it like crazy all over the pot. For darker spots I loaded up the brush with just a little more paint. When I was done I sanded in some spots and that's it! So easy =) Now lets look at some more pictures because I just can't get enough...

I planted herbs in them and one is just lavender and I can not wait to see how it looks once it starts growing! I hope this gives y'all some ideas of your own =) Happy spring!!